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2024-06-18 08:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

bool ov_init::StaticInitializer::initialize(double& timestamp, Eigen::MatrixXd& covariance, std::vector& order, std::shared_ptr t_imu, bool wait_for_jerk = true)

Try to get the initialized system using just the imu.

Parameters timestamp out Timestamp we have initialized the state at covariance out Calculated covariance of the returned state order out Order of the covariance matrix t_imu out Our imu type element wait_for_jerk If true we will wait for a "jerk" Returns True if we have successfully initialized our system

This will check if we have had a large enough jump in our acceleration. If we have then we will use the period of time before this jump to initialize the state. This assumes that our imu is sitting still and is not moving (so this would fail if we are experiencing constant acceleration).

In the case that we do not wait for a jump (i.e. wait_for_jerk is false), then the system will try to initialize as soon as possible. This is only recommended if you have zero velocity update enabled to handle the stationary cases. To initialize in this case, we need to have the average angular variance be below the set threshold (i.e. we need to be stationary).






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